Fulvic Link
Fulvic acid is an organic molecule that exists naturally in healthy soils. Due to leaching and intensive farming or soil use, fulvic acid is now rarely present in sufficient concentrations. That's why our product, Fulvic Link, is the missing link between critical nutrients and your plants.
Compared to other fulvic acid products on the market, Fulvic Link has a more efficient delivery mechanism and a better ability to bind with nutrients.
☑️ Increase nutrient uptake without effecting pH or EC
☑️ Release soil bound nutrients
☑️ Improve nutrient translocation
Independently tested and proven to: ↑ Increase germination rates ↑ Increase wet and dry weight yields ↑ Improve nutrient uptake ↓ Allow a reduction in EC ↓ Eliminate nutrient deficiencies ↑ Improve aromaticity and oil content ↑ Raise THC content |
"On average we were able to increase the root mass, depth and density by over 100% from previous years. Fulvic Link has also helped our fertilizers work more efficiently, allowing us to use less seed and fill and save money. "